THE CREST HAS ALWAYS BEEN WILMINGTON’S CLEANEST & SAFEST FACILITY TO WORKOUT! The Crest Fitness Club is unlike any health club or gym in the Wilmington/Wrightsville Beach area. Our expansive and always-clean facility has all the equipment and space you need for...
The misapplied exercise programs of today are a significant cause of some of our obesity problems and the many failures within the fitness industry. Most people I meet that are over 40 who were avid exercisers in their 20’s and 30’s that participated in...
Not only has our summer renovation breathed fresh life into The Crest, but our continued growth as a local fitness and health club has dictated the welcoming of new faces! We are pleased to introduce two new fitness class instructors: Michaela Ariana and Jennifer. Be...
When I meet people who are searching for a fitness club, especially this time of the year, and they want to get started on a weight loss program, the biggest thing I suggest is to KISS IT…Keep It Simple, Stupid. I know, it’s a great thing that people want...
What can I say about 2014…Am I glad it’s over? Not really; I made a ton of progress on some of my life goals. The years between 2010 and 2012 were so bad for me that I even let it affect my health (but only a little.)I quickly dialed my missteps back in...