“The world is not all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and it will keep you there permanently if you let it. Not you, I or anybody is going to hit as hard as life, but it is not about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and...
T’was the night before fitness and all through the gym, not a machine was available, the pickings were slim. The lines were 5 deep by the treadmills they wait, in hopes that their abs one day will look great. And Jane in her tights and I in my sweats, have just...
I know you’ve all heard me tell you this time after time after time, but I’m hoping my sage advice will really stick this time. Before you embark to improve your health and physical condition I am going to give you a lesson on what to look for, and on how to...
When I meet people who are searching for a fitness club, especially this time of the year, and they want to get started on a weight loss program, the biggest thing I suggest is to KISS IT…Keep It Simple, Stupid. I know, it’s a great thing that people want...
What can I say about 2014…Am I glad it’s over? Not really; I made a ton of progress on some of my life goals. The years between 2010 and 2012 were so bad for me that I even let it affect my health (but only a little.)I quickly dialed my missteps back in...